Quality Education
for All Christians
Resulting in
Immediate Application

Who We Are

    The Ohio NorthEast School of Theology (O.N.E. School) which began in 2020 is a ministry of the

Steel Valley Baptist Association. All classes are taught with the intention to build God’s kingdom

instead of an individual church or a particular denomination; therefore, denominational differences

will not factor in any class. The one exception will be the class on

systematic theology which will follow the statement of faith associated

with the Steel Valley Association. For sure, the Bible is the primary

textbook for all courses.

    The primary participants targeted for classes are Christians who want

Bible-college type training on their own level of education, at a slower

pace, and at a very reduced cost. Thus the classes are Biblical, practical,

accessible, and Christ-centered.

    The O.N.E. School is directed by Randy Langham who earned his D.Min. at Golden Gate Baptist

Theological Seminary (now known as Gateway Seminary) and his M.Div. at Southwestern Baptist

Theological Seminary.

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Courses in the Current or Upcoming Semester

1) Counseling, part 1   (Fall 2024)

Even people with no background in counseling can benefit greatly from this class. Students who complete the assignments and apply the principles will have the necessary skills to handle most counseling situations and see lasting peace come to those seeking help.

For more information you can download the brochure.

2) Counseling, part 2   (Spring 2025)

The second part of the counseling class takes the principles in part 1 to a deeper level. In addition, a simple, biblical approach will be presented to help people with the most extreme situations.

Some of the Courses already offered

The O.N.E. School has already offered a variety of courses including

    How to Interpret the Bible Accurately


    How to Teach for Life-Change

    Systematic Theology (Basic Beliefs)

    Making Disciples

    Basic New Testament Greek

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Ways Students can Participate

Each Course will contain one or more of the following options. The 12-week classes will contain all

three options.

1) Online using Zoom. People who live out of state or too far from the classroom can watch the classes on their computers using Zoom. These students will still have some interaction with the class instructor and other students. Most students choose this option.

2) Online using YouTube Videos. Most, if not all, of the classes will be recorded and made available on YouTube. Links for the videos will be available only for students of the class.

3) Onsite at First Baptist Church of Girard. This semester we will use the facilities at FBC Girard which are located at 7 E. Kline St., Girard OH 44420. This location will be a part of the live Zoom class.

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    O.N.E. School is not a regionally or ATS accredited program. The distinctive of this school is its accessibility in terms of location, cost, and adaptability to a variety of local contexts. In order to receive college or seminary credit contact the director prior to the course.

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How to Register for Classes

    Each type of class may have different requirements to register and be ready for the first session. Contact the director or the office to obtain specifics for that class which might include a syllabus, a listing of required books, computer software, etc.

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Contact Us

P.O. Box 150

Warren OH 44482-0150



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Who We Are
Ways to Participate
#1Who #2Courses #3Ways #4Credits #5Registration #6Instructors
Contact us

Bill Mazey, M.Div

Pastor - Grace Bptist Church

in Champion, OH

completing his Doctoral Studies in 2024

Kevin Crum, MAPM

Pastor, New Hope Baptist

Church in Youngstown, OH

Randy Langham, D.Min.

Director - the O.N.E. School

Pastor - Cornersburg Baptist

    Church in Youngstown, OH

Brochure for Fall
Counseling Class
ONE School Brochure 2024 Fall.pdf
Testimonies from